Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A skill set called leadership

Leadership is a skill that you either have or you don’t. Some people are born to be natural leaders and others are followers. Leadership is one of those rare traits that can be used to your advantage throughout your life but be careful not to abuse it. Leaders are there to guide, motivate and advise others regardless of the choices they make. Followers look up to these leaders in seek for these things. They want sound advice from a more experienced and rational source. By abusing this trait you will lose the trust of the followers and this may be irrecoverable.
Being a leader is not easy and can come with its own set of challenges as any other trait would. It is a skill set that would set you apart from another individual, it is a skill set called leadership.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree slightly. Leadership can be gained throughout your life. If you are not born with it you can still become a great leader. Some people just need a little time to realise they can lead :)
